About the Course
Learning Outcomes:
• Listing the key characteristics of the various forms of business – process, pros, cons, risks, and
costs of sole proprietorship, partnership, and incorporation
• Create and analyze the balance sheet – in-depth examination, components, breakdown of
assets, liabilities, shareholders’ equity, and owner’s equity
• Complete accounting for assets - lease, buy, account for, dispose, and depreciate
• Conduct financial planning - planning and budgets
• Create cash flow projections and make related decisions - projected and making decisions based
on cash flow outcomes
• Set up and manage cash flow processes
• Identify strategies for preparing for lenders
• Set up inventory - what it is, methods of recording, control, waste, obsolete, and short
• Create a plan for succession – why you want a plan, when you start, and what it consists of
• Complete a case study - pulling together concepts from the previous nine weeks
Standard Topics:
• Business structures
• Balance sheet
• Assets
• Capital purchases and disposals
• Budgets as a planning tool
• Cash flow as a planning tool
• Petty cash
• Preparing for lenders
• Inventory – accounting and management
• Succession planning
Your Instructor
Stephanie Folahan
Building on the concepts covered in Financial Fundamentals (Level I),
this next program in the finance stream of programs will take you deeper
into understanding the various forms of business structures and
analyzing the financial statements to enhance decision making. In
addition, you’ll learn how to carry out financial planning for your business
by creating budgets, developing cash flow statements, managing petty
cash effectively, creating systems for inventory control, and preparing for
lenders when requesting funds.